Friday 27 February 2015

Cheap and simple solution to power off your Linux box when usb mouse button pressed.

I have PogoPlug V03.
It is a small NAS but has no Power on/off button.

I have some mouse from my garage.  (USB kind...) :)
My NAS can handle usb mouse buttons.

What if I use Mouse Left Button for shutdown the system?

This is a cheap and simple solution to have power button.

I found a Python program which is checking if left mouse button pressed.
If yes then power off.

This is for embeded linux systems, without onboard buttons or keyboard, but you wants to shutdown with proper way.

My NAS has Debian with kernel 3.17.
USB mouse recognised by kernel and device is exist here:
When this program running and left mosue button pressed program will issue "poweroff" linux command.


1. Install Python. 

apt-get install python

2. Download the python program. 

cd /usr/local/bin
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
chmod 755 

3. Download shell script allow to run when system statup. 

cd /etc/init.d
wget --no-check-certificate
chmod 755
update-rc.d defaults

4. Start first time manually 

/etc/init.d/ status         # first time will report error - 'casue not running.
/etc/init.d/ start        # or reboot
If LEFT mouse button pressed - shut down system

If RIGHT mouse button pressed - Reboots system

(source of python mouse handling : )